WW with Kara

Attractions Between Opposites

By: Kara and Annah

It was 5:30pm in Edmonton, Alberta. Amelia was just getting out of ballet class when she saw Johnny. She walked by him with a disgusted look on her face, but she tried hiding it since she was with her friends Samantha and Julia.

Johnny’s friends, Sam and Jack, started making fun of Amelia because they think she’s to “preppy” and “perfect” for them.

Johnny never joined in on the harassment even when Sam and Jack coerced him to join. Johnny just never felt the need to. He didn’t feel “above” or “cooler” than anyone. In fact he was usually the one getting judged or bullied, usually for his punk-ish style.

The next day, Amelia, Julia, and Samantha were playing Truth or Dare at school. When it was Amelia’s turn to go, she “choose” dare so, Samantha dared Amelia to go up to Johnny and have a full conversation with him.

Amelia sighed, accepting the dare, and walked over to Johnny. “Hey I’m so sorry I have been so rude to you lately.” She started a small bit anxious “It’s ok,” Johnny said, after a little bit of silence Amelia resumed the conversation. “ So what kind of things are you into?” Johnny happily replied, “Oh! I really like making music!”  “Haha, oh my god, I bet it sounds like complete garbage. Bye loser” Amelia than walked away and back to Julia and Samantha. Leaving Johnny really confused about had just happened.

It was Friday evening, and Amelia was getting ready to go to a party. She met up with her friends at seven, as planned, and they took pictures, complimented each other, all that girlish stuff before heading out.

When they got to the party, they noticed the hall was decorated beautifully, and Amelia just knew she had to take a picture. After some social interaction with some other groups of girls, Amelia and her friends put their drinks down on their table and started dancing. Once 8:30pm came around, the music suddenly stopped.

After five minutes with no music a live band came on the stage. Amelia didn’t pay much attention. She enjoyed the music that was playing and continued dancing with her friends until she noticed that the person performing was Johnny! She thought to herself, “Wow, he’s really good.”  Amelia saw Johnny leave the stage. So, Amelia ran to him and told Johnny, “Wow! You did really good!” “yeah, sure” said Johnny pushing past Amelia.

Johnny then went to go get some punch and Amelia went up behind him and said, “No, no I really mean it.” That’s when she heard laughing behind her, so she turned around and saw Julia and Samantha recording her, “Haha, what happened to you? You’re talking to the loser?” Said Julia. Amelia started getting mad because she didn’t want to be recorded and pushed the camera from her face. Amelia realized Johnny wasn’t such a loser after all.

After a little bit of fighting, Johnny took Amelia outside to calm down. Amelia and Johnny were walking home when Amelia blurted, “I like you.” Johnny looked at her, confused. “I, uh… Really?”

noticing they were at his house already. They were silent for a moment.“I’ll… see you at school.” they said. Amelia walked back home, a small bit dejected from what had just happened.

On Monday, Amelia walked to school as per usual, but instead of going up to Julia and Samantha, she went right up to Johnny.

About five minutes into conversation, Amelia started hearing flashing from phones behind her. She turned around and saw her two ex-bestfriends snapping a bunch of photos of her. Julia laughed at her as Amelia started getting mad. “You’re hanging out with that punky loser again? You’re gross..””Whatever. Did you get those pictures you wanted?” Amelia replied back, sassily.

After some bickering, Julia and Samantha finally walked off. Amelia turned back to Johnny, who had been quietly observing in the background. “Sorry about that…” Amelia apologized. “Hey, hey. No worries; I get it a lot.”

They started walking to class, and while in mid-conversation, Johnny quietly whispered…“I like you, too.” “What?” Amelia said, convinced Johnny had said something quietly to her. “Oh, oh, nothing.” Johnny explained before entering his classroom, waving bye to Amelia as she continued her way to her own class.

Johnny left the school grounds as the 3:30 bell went off. He was eager to get home, but he wasn’t too sure why. For some reason, he couldn’t get Amelia off his mind..

He walked into his house quietly, placing his school bag on the floor and removing his shoes. He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of his favourite cereal.He walked into his room, pulled out one of his favourite speakers (it could get really loud)c, hooked it up to his computer, and started playing some of his favourite songs on full blast, all in a desperate attempt to get Amelia out of his head.It surprisingly didn’t work at all.Johnny soon left his room after starting up a new playlist on shuffle full of heavy metal music. Playing it loud so he could hear it through the whole house and made himself some coffee. He fell asleep on the couch soon after, dreaming of how the next day would go. Then, suddenly, he woke up at 1am and said, “today is the day I actually tell her!”

Johnny went to school the next day and went right to Amelia to confess his love to her. They made a date to go out.

The day was here, it was their date day. Johnny picked Amelia up at six on his motorcycle. They went to the annual fair together and went right to the ice-cream, than to the ferris wheel and that’s how the night ended!

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