
I find it very wrong that all of the province is in code red and they are saying, don’t be in any groups, so why are we in school with over 20 kids in classrooms, I get we are spread out a bit but still. they are also saying don’t go into stores because you can do curbside pickup, so why don’t we just do school online? Even if everyone masks in schools. in stores you have to mask to so why cant you go in stores there’s more people in a school than a store.

how do you feel about all this covid-19 stuff??See the source image

let me know!



4 thoughts on “why?

  1. Hi Annah! I think that COVID is, of course, very troublesome, but I think that if everyone just wore masks and obeyed the protocols, as you said, cases would drop drastically.

  2. I agree with you on that. like, why can we be in school with over 20 people when we can online learn and if were in school, why cant we visit after school and try our hardest to social distaance and wear masks🤣.

    1. ikr i just dont get it we cant hangout with people after school with 10 people but we can be in a school with over 100 people

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